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S i m p l i c i t y
- 幽 玄 ・ 夢 幻 の 記 憶 -
2019 10.25 (fri) - 11.2 (sat) at Gallery Ciel
noriforms002 (tripych) 2012
“The basic concept ‘ simplicity’ that has been consistently penetrated in the past 12 years of my whol career as photographer. The main axis was one of them in any project. In this exhibition, 20 works were selected from body of works created by repetition of thinking and practice based on logical and minimal compositions and a technique of long exposure. The Japanese word "心 (kokoro)" contains many meanings and expressions in one character. I always wish my work would be as good as that. I would really appreciate if you could share my own inner experience in explore of the deep and subtle beauty that does not appear in the words hidden in the deep layer part in parallel to that of the visible world shown in the surface layer part through my works.”
- Hironori Nakamura 2019
- 中村 裕紀 2019
「 s i m p l i c i t y - 幽玄・夢幻の記憶 - 」
Period: October 25 (Fri) - November 2 (Sat), 2019
Venue: Gallery Ciel
Address: 329-1105 Nakaokamoto 4065, Utsunomiya-shi, Tochigi-ken, Japan
Tel: 028-671-8212
Opening hours: 11: 00-18: 00
Closed day: Wednesday
Admission fee: Free
中村 裕紀
「 s i m p l i c i t y - 幽玄・夢幻の記憶 - 」展
会場:ギャラリー シエール
住所:〒329-1105 栃木県宇都宮市中岡本町4065
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